
James T. Morris
Distinguished Research Professor

Baruch Institute for Marine & Coastal Sciences
University of South Carolina

Ph.D. 1979, Yale University


Wetland/Estuarine Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Plant Physiological Ecology, Theoretical Ecology and Modeling

This photo was taken from Oyster Landing, one of our study sites within North Inlet estuary. The nearby Baruch Institute field laboratory is an outstanding resource available to researchers.

This site highlights some of the research activities in my laboratory. My research spans the basic and applied aspects of the physiological ecology of plants adapted to wetland habitats and the biogeochemistry and systems ecology of wetlands, primarily salt and freshwater intertidal wetlands. We take an approach that combines field work, analytical chemistry, and numerical modeling. A list of publications can be found in my Curriculum Vitae.

NEW:    check out the interactive version of the salt marsh model MEM  

Selected Research Projects

·         NSF LTREB: Long Term Studies of Salt Marsh Primary Production

·         NSF LTER-Plum Island Ecosystems: Dynamics of coastal ecosystems in a region of rapid climate change, sea-level rise, and human impacts

This is a view of the our laboratory, located in the Sumwalt building.